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About SBA


​국내 유일 경영전략, 마케팅, 재무금융 3팀제
활동하는 SKY 연합 글로벌 경영학회

SBA is an international business society, sharing a diverse and invaluable experience primarily with students from Seoul National University, Korea University and Yonsei University.

Founded in 2004 under the name ShARE Seoul, SBA has undergone remarkable growth and transformation over the years. Our business society has continued to make remarkable strides and cultivate a dynamic environment for ambitious individuals. 

We provide a challenging interdisciplinary curriculum, strong alumni network, and international presence to help students become distinguished professionals in the core fields of business. As a group of intellectually driven and socially skilled students, we continue to foster the next generation of leaders and pioneers by sharing our talent with the global world for the better.

Our Vision

Interdisciplinary Learning

SBA is consisted of Business Strategy, Marketing and Finance teams. Each member will join one of the three teams. All SBA members develop a comprehensive understanding of business through Ground Sessions, where all three teams share knowledge together.

Global Expertise

To successfully understand the global business environment and to hold a competitive edge, all SBA Ground Sessions are conducted in English. SBA also interacts with various business societies from prestigious universities overseas.

Business Network

We actively communicate with more than 400 SBA alumni dispersed in various fields including financial companies, conglomerates, public corporations, foreign companies, and startups, through regular alumni networking events and Ground Sessions.

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